

Here are some resources you may find useful for learning more about the Bitcoin SV blockchain:



The official website for Bitcoin SV provides a lot of information about the blockchain, including its history, technical specifications, and community.

Bitcoin ASSociation

The Bitcoin Association is the leading industry group for Bitcoin SV and is focused on promoting its use and adoption around the world. Their website provides a variety of resources and information about the blockchain, including news, events, and research.


CoinGeek is a news and information platform focused on the Bitcoin SV ecosystem. They provide daily news, opinion pieces, and analysis about the blockchain and its community.


The Bitcoin SV codebase is open-source and available on GitHub, where you can browse the source code, track issues, and contribute to the development of the blockchain.


There are many YouTube channels and videos dedicated to Bitcoin SV, including interviews with developers, discussions about the technology, and news updates. Some popular channels include Bitcoin Association, CoinGeek TV, and Bitcoin SV Channel.

Bitcoin SV Academy

The Bitcoin SV Academy is an online education platform that provides courses and certification programs about the Bitcoin SV blockchain and its technology. It is run by Bitcoin Association and is a great resource for those looking to learn more about the blockchain.

These are just a few examples of the players in the BSV ecosystem. As the ecosystem continues to evolve, we are likely to see even more diverse stakeholders and use cases emerge.


Here are several websites and platforms where you can find news and updates about Bitcoin SV (BSV) and the BSV blockchain. Here are a few options to consider:


CoinGeek is a news and media outlet focused on Bitcoin SV. They cover a wide range of topics related to the blockchain, including updates on development, business news, and more.


The Bitcoin Association is a global industry organization that supports and promotes Bitcoin SV. They provide news and updates on the latest developments in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem, as well as resources for developers and businesses.


Many members of the Bitcoin SV community are active on Twitter, sharing news, updates, and insights on the blockchain. You can follow key accounts like @BitcoinSVNode, @JimmyWinSV, and @CalvinAyre for the latest updates.


The r/bitcoinsv subreddit is a
community of Bitcoin SV
enthusiasts who share news,
updates, and discussions
about the blockchain. It’s a
great place to ask questions,
learn more about the
technology, and stay
up-to-date on the latest



There are several YouTube channels and videos dedicated to BSV, including interviews with developers, discussions about the technology, and news updates. Some popular channels include Bitcoin Association, CoinGeek TV, and Bitcoin SV Channel.

These are just a few options to consider. It's a good idea to explore several different sources to get a well-rounded view of what's happening in the BSV community.​